Daily Inspiration: April 29, 2016 at 06:24AM
Focus Friday: Be a doer not a stewer. Napoleon Hill stated whatever a man's mind can conceive and believe he can achieve. I want to explore that concept a little further. All dreamers don't become achievers, but all achievers are dreamers. We are all dreamers who have the capacity to become achievers. What is the difference between those who remain dreamers and those who become achievers? One word...Action. Be a doer not a stewer. The stewer thinks, then thinks, then thinks some more, but never acts on his dream. He is missing out on the joy and happiness that is the result of achieving his dream. Life is too short to just stew... Do. Today focus on being a doer and not a stewer by writing the first sentence in your best-selling book, saving the first dollar towards your million, committing your life to God in a greater way, schedule that date with your significant loved one... Be a doer not a stewer!