Daily Inspiration: December 09, 2016 at 09:19AM
Focus Friday: You are a winner, and worthy of everything that the world has to offer you. Remember, if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Start today, right now you will look at any objective as no longer impossible, but truly achievable, and within your reach.You no longer go through life just accepting what others have planned for you, but now you are completely in charge of your own destiny. You clearly understand what it is that you desire from your life, and you are the only person who can make that all come to fruition.
You have the self discipline to set, and stick to your goals until you have accomplished them. From now on you will allow only positive and winning thoughts to pass through your mind. You are optimistic and enthusiastic and able to complete any task that you desire, you are goal oriented and have a plan. You are a winner.
Randy Adkins Jr - Speaker