Daily Inspiration: June 17, 2015 at 07:05AM
Wise word Wednesday: One day, the Wind and the Sun got into an argument.
“I’m much stronger than
you,” said the Sun.
“Oh, really?” said the Wind. “I can
bend tall trees. I can scream and howl
and make all sorts of racket. You just sit
there, with that goofy smile of yours.
You can’t move anything. You don’t
make any noise.”
“Well then, let’s have a contest,” said
the Sun. “That will decide who is truly
stronger.” At that moment, a man wearing a coat was walking along a
country road.
“Okay, here are the rules,” continued the Sun. “Whichever one of us can
get that coat off that man is the strongest.”
“Fair enough,” said the Wind.
“You go first,” said the Sun. The Sun politely ducked behind a cloud and
the Wind began to blow. She huffed and she puffed. The man simply pulled
his coat closer around him. So the wind began to howl, causing dust to
swirl and twigs to fly. But the man pulled his coat around him tighter still!
“My turn,” said the Sun. The Sun came out from behind the cloud. He
beamed down on the man. He covered the man in light, bathed him in
warmth. The man smiled up at the Sun, happy that the cold, harsh wind
had died down. It was even getting rather hot walking along this country
road. So the man took off his coat.
The Sun turned to the Wind. “Watch and learn, old friend,” said the Sun.
“Watch and learn.”
Today You can accomplish more with kindness than with force. Experience the the true power that lies within by demonstrating kindness to everyone you meet today. #transformativelife2015 http://ift.tt/1A4mtRY