Daily Inspiration: June 30, 2015 at 07:33AM
Transformation Tuesday : Over the past 7 months, I have found a secret power called metabolism which is the key to remaining healthy. Metabolism is how quickly the body burns calories which leads to burning fat. Metabolism slows as we get older, unless we do some basic steps to keep metabolism burning. I focus on E² (exercise and eating). For exercise, I exercise 4 to 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I include weights, interval and cardio in my workouts. For eating, I never skip a meal because it causes my body to conserve fat because the body prepares for starvation when it is not getting the needed nutrition. I snack on healthy snacks (nuts,fruits) throughout the day. I eat foods high in fiber and protein. I stay away from foods with saturated fats, high carbohydrates and sugar. Today start basic steps to increasing your metabolism and your body will be at peak state before you kow it. #transformativelife2015