Sermon – You will remain ashy, if you don’t APPLY lotion!

Summary outline of the sermon from September 18, 2011. Listen to the sermon below.

Receive Apply Prove [audio:]

I. Central Idea: When knowledge and faith are no longer an issue, we must respond to God's promises by applying what we know and believe.

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-11

II. Introduction

  1. How many use lights in your house? Do you have to be an adult to turn on lights?
    1. My 4 year old can turn lights on and off
    2. This message is for young and old
  2. I drove my car here today, but I did not need to know how the car works and why it needs to have an engine to drive it here today.

To apply we do not need to know how something works, to apply the Word of God we do not need to know how God will accomplish what he does.

  1. It is not until you apply that you get results and experience change in your life.
  1. Francis Bacon stated,
    1. It is not what men eat but what they digest that makes them strong;
    2. not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich;
    3. not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned;
    4. not what we preach but what we practice that makes us Christians.
  2. I believe that for most of us we do not have a knowledge problem or a faith problem. We have an application problem.
  3. We know what lotion is used for and we believe that lotion does what it says. We have also experienced that lotion works, but we sometimes forget to apply it every day.

You will remain ashy, if you don't apply lotion!

Look at your neighbor, "Check your Elbows!"

Today we will R.A.P. and get some Motivation during this message.

  1. No we are not going to rap like Lil' Wayne
  2. And we are not going to get motivation from Kelly Rowland.

R.A.P. - Receive, Apply and Prove.

Our Motivation comes from the divine power of God.

I. Receive

1. What God Has for you it is for you

2. Receive the gift of Salvation today

Let's continue our R.A.P. Receive, Apply and Prove.

II.  Apply

1.  Make every effort to respond to God's Promises.

2. Apply the virtues listed from Faith to Love. From inward qualities to outward qualities.

Let's conclude our R.A.P. Receive, Apply and Prove.

III.  Prove

  1. How do we develop the confidence that we are truly one of God’s people? If we grow in the virtues Peter has listed, that growth itself is proof of Jesus’ presence in our lives. This internal confirmation of our election is important to us all.
  2. Our own changed lives are evidence our salvation is real

IV. Conclusion

  1. How did you like the R.A.P.?
  2. I challenge you today to apply lotion. Check Those Elbows!
  3.   Receive, Apply and Prove.

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